Pumpkin Fritters

Fritters/flapjacks are great carriers of flavour - and these are super easy to work with!

Pumpkin Fritters:


1 Fritter  premix
200g baked Pumpkin
2 eggs
1 cup water or milk
Salt and Pepper to taste
1-2 tbs Erythritol - optional
Coconut oil or similar for frying
Erythritol/cinnamon mix for dusting


Bake pumpkin in the oven until tender.
In a bowl, mix together 2 eggs, 1.5 cups liquid of choice, salt and pepper.
Add the Fritter premix and mix well.
Add all the ingredients together and mix well.
Heat 1 tbs oil over medium heat in pan.
Add heaped tablespoons of fritter mix to the pan, flattening the tops with the bottom of the spoon.
Fry for a few minutes (until it browns) and turn over to do the same on the other side.
Serve warm or cold.